Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mercedes 190 Evolution

Started as a car to compete with the BMW M3 Sport Evolution. The Mercedes 190 Evolution was created for the purpose of circuit racing. Mercedes decided to introduce their old 2.5 liter engine into this model even though the previous 190e and 190d also ran a similar one. This engine first lacked performance until Mercedes decided to add a stock turbo charged motor in 1990. By this point in time the 190 Evolution was only known in Europe. And in 1991 Mercedes imported only 5000 of them. These models were also made for a short time in America  for the American demographic, but featured different components and an unreliable engine. The 190 Evolution is one of my favorite cars it was also featured on the background of this blog. These cars are sold for around 5,000-10,000 euros and double the price in the United States. So if you think this car is for you I would suggest making the flight over to

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Toyota Supra

Started in 1979 as the Celica Supra. This car powered by a 6-liter inline- 6 engine was one of the first toyota drift cars on the market. Started out of pure curiosity on toyotas part this car lasted 20 years before being halted in 1999. In 1986 the Supra was finally taken out of the celica category. In 1993 the last generation of the Supra was made making it the 4th Generation of Supra on the market. This car featured a 320 horsepower engine and performance was finally the name of the game for the Supra. The new 4the Gen. Supras are starting at $28,000- $32,000 stock from a dealer. To be honest I think its worth it.